The 3 Best Healthy Habits to Start the New Year

The 3 Best Healthy Habits to Start the New Year

We often think of a transformation as a long and challenging process. We can get easily overwhelmed when the committed changes are too extreme. But the good news is that they don’t have to be.  Making several small changes to your life can be much more effective than taking one giant leap. It’s always easier…

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Esophageal Dysmotility

Esophageal Dysmotility

Esophageal Dysmotility, or ED for short, is a condition that causes dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing, causing food to get stuck in your throat. The muscles in the esophagus don’t work well, making it difficult for people with this condition to swallow. They may also have trouble talking or breathing because of the obstruction.  The digestive…

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Healthy Liver, Longer Life!

Healthy Liver Longer Life

Have you ever wondered how food passes through your body? The human body ingests vital nutrients from the foods you consume, but it needs to filter out the waste by-products that can be toxic. The liver is responsible for processing these harmful substances and excreting them in the form of feces. A healthy liver is…

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Ways to Boost Your Immunity

Ways to Boost Your Immunity

The term ‘Immunity’ is derived from the Latin word immunitas, meaning exemption from tax payments, military service, or other public services. However, in 1882 the scientist, Ilya Mechnikov, developed a full theory of immunity. The Germ Theory of Disease by Louis Pasteur helped in the fledging science of immunology. It began to explain how bacteria…

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Health Benefits of Collagen Supplements for Seniors

Health Benefits of Collagen Supplements for Seniors

Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body, accounting for approximately 1/3 of your body’s protein composition. Different types of Collagen can be found in your skin, tendons, internal organs, organic parts of the bone, cartilage, bone marrow, lymphoid tissues, membranes, hair, and the surfaces of cells. Aging is not something you can prevent,…

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Why Am I Tired? Foods and Supplements that Boost Energy

Why Am I Tired Foods and Supplements that Boost Energy

Have you ever felt so exhausted that no amount of rest provides you with relief? After a full night’s sleep, do you still wake up feeling sluggish and foggy? In general, tiredness happens to everyone. It’s an expected, yet normal feeling after doing certain activities or at the end of a busy day. Ideally, this…

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Choosing the Best Immune Support Supplement

Choosing the Best Immune Support Supplement

Your immune system is a complex matrix of cells and proteins that safeguard your body against infection. Your immune system records every germ (microbe) it has ever defeated so it can recognize and destroy that microbe quickly if it enters your body again. Immune support supplements work by boosting your body’s natural defenses against disease-causing…

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Managing Chronic Inflammation

Managing Chronic Inflammation

What comes to your mind when you hear the word inflammation? Is it joint and muscle pain after a workout, a sore throat from the flu, physical bruising, or redness and swelling after a bee sting? These are all examples of acute inflammation, inflammation specific to one area of the body. In this way, inflammation…

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Managing Menopause

Managing Menopause

Menopause, the change of life, the inevitable transition. It is a turning point that can have an immeasurable impact on your well-being, but if you allow it, it can also be liberating and empowering. Menopause is rarely a topic of open discussion, even though nearly half of the world’s population will experience this dreaded transition.…

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