The Debate Over GMO

the-Debate Over GMO

Technological advancements, recently developed technologies, and methods using other newly found scientific findings are a constant in the production of many everyday items. But did you know that some of these scientific outcomes are used to produce genetically modified crops and animals? Research and technological advancements have paved the way for genetically modified organisms, commonly…

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Is Soy a Thyroid Nemesis

Is Soy a Thyroid Nemesis

Food is essential for human survival. And, for many people in the world, there is a wide array of foods to choose from, one of which is soy.  This plant-based protein is viral amongst vegetarians and vegans due to its versatility. For example, we can process it into milk and meat substitutes as a good…

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5 Chemicals to Avoid in your Household Products

5 Chemicals to Avoid in your Household Products

There are many chemicals to avoid in your home products, especially in products that come into contact with your skin. The safety of most cosmetics and home products has improved significantly over the years, and federal guidelines have been put in place to limit or prohibit many ingredients that have been deemed harmful to humans.…

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Improving Memory Through Diet and Supplementation

Improving Memory Through Diet and Supplementation

Improving memory is not a one-time process. Rather, it is an ongoing journey that involves many factors. Nutrition and supplementation play a key role in supporting brain health and functioning. Your brain is the most important organ in your body. It keeps your heart beating, your lungs breathing, and all your body systems functioning. That…

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Supplements You Should Consider As You Age

Supplements You Should Consider As You Age

Optimal nutrition is one of the most important determinants of healthier aging, reducing the risk of disability, maintaining mental and physical functions, and thus preserving and ensuring a better quality of life. Dietary intake and nutrient absorption naturally decline with age, thus increasing the risk of malnutrition, morbidity, and mortality. There are many benefits that…

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Choosing the Best Collagen Supplement

Choosing the Best Collagen Supplement

Collagen is the most abundant structural protein in your body, making up about 80% of your skin and playing an essential role in building and supporting many tissues, from bones and cartilage to the skin, hair, eyes, and the digestive system. Unfortunately, as we age, our bodies naturally start reducing Collagen production. This further disrupts…

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Managing Chronic Inflammation

Managing Chronic Inflammation

What comes to your mind when you hear the word inflammation? Is it joint and muscle pain after a workout, a sore throat from the flu, physical bruising, or redness and swelling after a bee sting? These are all examples of acute inflammation, inflammation specific to one area of the body. In this way, inflammation…

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Combatting Brain Fog

Combatting Brain Fog

Do you frequently space out when you should focus on a specific task or activity? Do you have difficulty staying focused? Have you lost your ability to concentrate, even on the most trivial things? This feeling of mental fuzziness is commonly referred to as brain fog. Brain fog is not a condition but a symptom…

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Why Calcium Isn’t Enough for Strong Bones

Why Calcium Isnt Enough for Strong Bones

Calcium is vital for maintaining strong bones. Calcium is a major building block of your bones, with the skeleton storing 99 percent of your body’s total calcium. The calcium in your bones also acts as a reserve for the calcium needed by your nervous system and muscles. As you age, your body’s ability to absorb…

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How to Support Natural Collagen Production

How to Support Natural Collagen Production

Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body. Collagen is the main component of facia, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, bone, and skin. Not surprisingly, collagen has many different functions in your body. Collagen provides structure, strength, and elasticity to the skin; it strengthens blood vessels, is involved in blood clotting, and plays a role in…

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