8 Tips for Strengthening Your Immune System

8 Tips for Strengthening Your Immune System

The immune system is a complex system of organs, cells, and chemicals that fight infection. Our bodies are amazing and can remember each microbe (tiny living things too small to be seen by the naked eye) that has entered the body. If these same microbes enter the body again, they are destroyed much more quickly.…

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8 Tips for Reducing Inflammation

Inflammation Joint inflammation concept Medical Report

Inflammation is your body’s natural response to harmful stimuli. When you suffer a cut, burn, or another type of physical injury, your immune system sends certain cells to that area to repair it and help it heal properly. These are known as inflammatory responses. Reducing inflammation in the body is important for overall health and…

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11 Delicious Ways to Add Turmeric To Your Diet

11 Delicious Ways to Add Turmeric To Your Diet

Tumeric has become increasingly popular as a supplement and an ingredient in various foods. Turmeric is a spice of the ginger family, sourced from the turmeric plant commonly used in Asian food. Turmeric has a warm, bitter taste and is often used in curries, mustards, butter, and cheeses. Turmeric’s use in foods has spread into…

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The Importance of Vitamin K2

Vitamin K is an essential vitamin that is important for blood clotting, strong bones, and heart health. Vitamin K occurs in 2 main forms: vitamin K1 and vitamin K2. One of vitamin K’s most important roles is to regulate calcium deposition. This process calcifies bones, or in other words, strengthens them. Vitamin K2 also helps…

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11 Signs That You Are Deficient in Collagen


Collagen is a structural protein that makes up a large percentage of the cells in our body. 30% of the protein in our bodies is collagen, making it the most abundant protein. It is part of our connective tissue that holds together skin and many other body parts. It is found in muscles, bones, tendons,…

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